

Many spiritually oriented individuals are turning to their local church in large numbers to find help and understanding for their emotional problems. This unique change is due to the growing desire to return to religious and spiritual values in our society. Now, both trained clergy and counselors are challenged to adhere to a religious orientation in therapy. Short-term therapy, such as Rational Emotive Behavior Pastoral Therapy (REBPT), provides a systematic approach to understanding the problems clients present and allows for integration with spiritual philosophy. Inner Space provides an easy to understand guide for clergy and laymen who are seeking a structured counseling approach, which integrates Christian understanding. Designed as a simple textbook, Inner Space also provides an opportunity to receive a Certification of Completion through New York Christian Counseling Center, Inc. Dr. James T. Twerell founded the New York Christian Counseling Center in 1992 after spending over 25 years as a minister of an inner city church.



Over the last years, as a couple, we have watched our journey take many different detours and adjustments, but as a couple we have tenaciously held on to our journey plan of loving each other and making the best of what we experienced. We found that the journey is an educational format, which teaches us about reality through both hard experiences and wonderful adventures.

The book contains some thoughts and exercises from our journey, which we anticipate may help others as a roadmap or a GPS to keep them on course in order to reach their destinations. We hope it will be a refreshing pause as you continue your journey individually or as a partner with your journey mate.